How do you come up with a spaceship that leaves Earth millions of years ago on a mission to discover the universe? |
I'm a huge fan of science fiction, if you couldn't tell, but there's more to it than just being a fan. It's fuel for my brain tank. Let me be more specific, being a part of a GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) campaign, I've needed to come up with a character. It's not as simple as this is his name, this is what he does. I mean, it could be, but there's no fun in that. Hell, the GM (game master, basically the same as a dungeon master) has to be a million times more creative than me, generating an entire canon for a non-existant universe, you can check it out [here], and then I have to fit my character into that. It's creation, almost at its finest. I'd like to consider myself a creative person, and this past weekend I created my character for this campaign. It was a lot of fun, and something that I had missed doing. I've even worked on writing a short story to go along with my character. The feeling is similar to being stuck on a question on your final exam, when suddenly, after staring at it for ten minutes, the answer suddenly comes to you.
Imagination and creation are like that, they are fulfilling and exhilarating. Sometimes it's enough to watch the work of other people's imagination, like George Lucas, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Joss Whedon. For others, like me, you need more. You need to get your hands dirty. I've tried on many occasion to write down the things I imagine. I've created universes, timelines, characters, stories a plenty, but the hardest part is translating imagination to creation. To build from the schematics in your head can be a difficult task, especially if you're not a talented artist or linguist. Suggestions? I wish I had some beyond "keep at it" because that's how I deal with it.
25 years and counting |
The point, if there is a point to all of this is imagination leads to creation. You need to let it happen. We all have our triggers for inspiration. The best thing to do is not force it, let it wash over you and zen stuff like that. And the most important thing...
Dream on.
I love this post so much. For what it's worth, the character you came up with certainly epitomizes character creation at its finest. I was really impressed :)