February 5, 2011

The Reason

I'm sure there are people who are wondering why exactly I am doing these [contests] and giving away all this free stuff. Why? To be honest, I know a lot of people who find alternate ways to watch movies without paying for them and I figured this is another way that people can watch these movies and not have to pay for them, but the money can still get where it's meant to go. I know, I sound like a lame puppet for the entertainment industry, but hey, if you don't want to pay for it you don't have to, I'll do that. Being someone who is actively pursuing trying to get into the entertainment industry (and by actively I mean underneath all of the other stuff I am currently working on) I'd rather not see parts of the industry fall apart. Hate me if you want, but let's be real, I'm offering you the same stuff, probably at better quality, for the same price. And, it's completely legal. What's there to lose?

Plus, I like giving things away. I'd give you a list (which is clearly my new favorite thing) of stuff I've given away before these contests got started but there's no need for that. Giving is fun. It puts a smile on someone else's face and one on mine as well, so why not do it more? The result is these giveaways. So please, take advantage of it. It's not hurting anyone, and it's awesome. And Free.

I'm done with preaching or explaining myself or whatever it was I was doing above. My ultimate philosophy is to not damage your philosophy if that's what keeps you going. But just one more thing to note about the contests, I've already had one entry for the current one, and the last one had the most yet. Just have fun with it. If you're at work and really don't want to do work, pull out a pad and scribble out an entry. It shouldn't take too long and it's free stuff. How many times do I need to say free before it sinks in? FREE! Okay, I'm done. Enjoy your weekend, and enjoy your life.

Move along, move along.


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