December 16, 2010

The Petition

Hate to see SGU go? Want it renewed? Comment below and we'll submit this petition to Syfy to show just how much you care about one of your favorite series. Let's go SGUnit! Email this petition to fellow Gaters and share it with all of your friends across the interwebs. We need to get this thing going strong if we want show Syfy that we're serious.

(Plus, how the heck could they cancel the series when the creators themselves said that its a five year story?)

Tune in. Pledge here. Dream on.



  1. Please bring this show back! It is well written, well acted, and beautifully shot. There isn't much serious Sci-fi left on TV, so PLEASE don't take away one of the best ones airing. It deserves to be seen all the way through its 5-year story arc; at the very least, get one more season to have a proper ending. PLEASE OH PLEASE let it have that!

  2. I can't believe this show was cancelled, it was definitely the best thing SyFy had going for it, possibly the best thing TV had going for it. It's one of the few reasons I still have any interest in SyFy Channel. This show NEEDS to be brought back. Make it happen guys!

  3. Stargate Universe won a Best Dramatic Series award in 2009 and Best Actor in a Dramatic Series Award (and TWO nominations for that award) in 2010. It's one of the few true science fiction series produced for television over the last decade; most series popularly defined as science fiction are fantasies with no grounding in science that just happen to be set in outer space or feature aliens. SGU is a character-driven drama that happens to be set in outer space, using reasonable extrapolations of current scientific fact with as few conceits as possible to fit into the milieu of the Stargate franchise in which it's set.

    Please consider continuing the production of Stargate Universe through a third season. It is perhaps the best dramatic series on television today. While it may not be generating the live viewing numbers which would, on their own, justify its continued production, it should be considered a "boutique" series for a network which will return value through the awards and accolades it will generate and the income produced through DVD/Blu-ray media sales and online downloads.

    Thank you for reading.
