December 12, 2010

The Sequel

2011 is the year of 3 (and 2, and 4 or 5 in some cases).

Big sequels are set to arrive this coming year in the video game industry, and I'm not talking just about games. There have been talks about the fabled PSP2, we know the Nintendo 3DS is set to release, and 2011 marks five years since the Wii was released, and according to all the statistics, Nintendo should be prepping a new console at the end of this year.

Hardware Sequels

As I mentioned briefly, Nintendo has been following a cycle for system releases since pretty much forever. The Wii was released about 5 years after the Game Cube, which was about 5 years after the N64, and about 5 years before that was SNES. Are we seeing a pattern yet? Of course Nintendo has made no announcement, not even batted an eyelash or awkward cough about the Wii2 (as it is being called). Whatever happened to Dolphin? I'm just saying, the stats suggest that Nintendo could be working on something, but what could it be? All eyes are on E3 at the moment to see what Nintendo says there.

Of course, that doesn't mean Nintendo is leaving us empty handed this year. The 3DS, the 3D successor to the DS will be launching this year (hopefully) and it already has an impressive line up of games, including some form of remake or port of the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, StarFox 64, and hopefully others. I'm calling some sort of portable Smash Bros., it only makes sense, especially with the Wifi that Nintendo puts into its handhelds. As of right now, I'm unsure as to when the 3DS will actually be released, but if I may wager I guess, I'd say the summer, or sometime early in the second quarter.

But Nintendo isn't having all the fun when it comes to alleged hardware sequels. Sony has been working to keep all the specs they can about the upcoming successor to the PSP, PSP2 quiet. This past week there was an alleged image of the PSP2 and some hardware specs, but I'm not sure I trust them just yet. The rumors are that the PSP2 sports a touch screen on the front, and touch controls on the back. It will slide up like the PSPgo to reveal the controls which now include two recessed control sticks instead of the just one. Plus, the screen is said to be larger and the processor could potentially give rise to PS3 quality games in your pocket. Crazy I know, but if this were all true we could be chasing after hidden treasures with Nathan Drake in our pockets. Once again, the PSP2 will be UMD-less, which is a good thing because those sucked. Take this info with a grain of salt people. If all goes according to plan, Sony is expected to release the PSP2 sometime this year, with some major announcement at E3.

Software Threequels

You may need hardware to play games, but the software is where its at this coming year. Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, and Gears of War 3. 2011 is (supposed to be) a big year for these big franchises. Mass Effect 3 brings Sheppard back to Earth. In the trailer they do a good job of hiding the fact that this is a new Mass Effect title until the end. Kudos to BioWare, they really know what they're doing. Unfortunately for me, I stopped playing Mass Effect after the first one, mostly because it was just so expansive I didn't have the time to put into it and get homework done, but if the chance should arise, I'd love to go back and play the first and second games before the new one comes out.

Now, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is what I am really looking forward to. The last two Uncharted titles hold a special place in my heart, not just because they were made by Naughty Dog, the original creators of Crash Bandicoot, but because they are amazing Hollywood quality games. Excellent story, wonderful graphics, and the characters are great. I honestly would play any game that has Nolan North as a voice actor, he does a fantastic job as Nathan Drake, if only they could get someone as good as him to play Drake in the upcoming Uncharted movie, but more on that at another time. Check out the trailer for Uncharted 3 below.

Much like the Mass Effect 3 trailer, this just feels like a movie trailer. Like something you would actually go and watch rather than play. If this trailer is at all representative of the game itself (which according to Naughty Dog this is all done with the engine used for the game) then we're going to have something that's a cross between Uncharted, Indiana Jones, The Mummy, Prince of Persia, and Uncharted 2. For me, any game that can sandwich so much in and still use its previous installments as the bread to hold it all together sounds good to me. Though I do have one pet peeve already, the title: "Drake's Deception". First, it sounds too close to "Drake's Fortune" which was the first game, and second, does this mean our favorite hero is going rogue somehow? Okay that second one is actually a reason for why I am excited for the game, and not so much gripe.

Now I don't know much about Resistance 3, or the Resistance series. I aim to pick up the game at some point in the next year, but it looks impressive. Keep in mind these are the creators of Ratchet and Clank, and they create stunning visuals and intense action from what I've seen. If you've played any of the Resistance titles I would be more than happy to hear your take on them, and whether or not the new one looks just as exciting. From the point of view of someone who hasn't really touched them, I'm definitely interested, but I doubt it will be able to hold up against Mass Effect 3 and Uncharted 3.

My question is: Where the hell was the Gears of War 3 announcement? Supposedly at the VGAs this year, Epic Games was going to reveal something big about the gameplay of the new game, as well as the multiplayer, but nothing was unveiled. So what happened? Microsoft pulled the GoW3 announcement at the last second for some unknown reason, but says the the forthcoming reveal "will be worth the wait". [Kotaku]

Honorable Mentions

The VGAs also premiered Batman: Arkham City, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Thor: God of Thunder, Prototype 2, Insane, Portal 2, Forza 4, and SSX: Deadly Descents. I'm looking forward to Portal 2, as apparently is also the case with the rest of the world, but I also have my eye on SSX:DD. There was no actually gameplay footage shown at the VGAs and from the trailer I didn't get too much except that they are using real locations, but it looks way more intense than any of the previous installments. Is this a good thing? We'll see I guess. I just want to know if Moby Jones and Elise Riggs are in the game, that's all I care about. Thor? Really?  I have never actually seen a good video game based on a movie (and it goes the other way too), so why this was an important world premiere who knows. Arkham City looks as intense as ever, but would you expect any less? And Elder Scrolls V, well let's just hope Bethesda releases this game without the massive amounts of internal glitches that Fallout: New Vegas had. Lastly, Insane looks, well insane. The guy behind Pan's Labyrinth should probably not be making a video game. I mean that movie was messed up as it is, why on earth would I want to shit my pants, as he claims it will make us do, while playing a game? However, for those of you who love to be scared, or scarred, this could be for you, but you'll have to wait until 2013.

Oh and Prototype 2 and Forza 4 were announced too. I don't really have much in the way of comments for those two. Sorry.

Game of the Year

Finally, the Game of the Year (according to Spike and the VGAs) was Red Dead Redemption. Thoughts? The others in the running were Call of Duty: Black Ops, Mass Effect 2, God of War 3, and Halo: Reach. I actually thought COD or Mass Effect might get it. Congrats to Rockstar Games.

Want more world premiere videos from your favorite games coming out in 2011? Kotaku has more after the jump. Check it out [All The News, All The Trailers From The Spike VGAs]

Dream on.


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