February 24, 2011

The 100

Welcome to the 100th post of The Archymedius Contingency! That's right, we've reached 100. I say "we" because I didn't do this all on my own, and I don't plan to forever. So what can you expect now that 100 has been reached?

Well, prepare for a major overhaul. First, the name: I feel like the namesake of Archymedius up there in front of Contingency makes this mine. I don't really want that, I want to share this with everyone and give anybody access to content and allow them to post their ideas as well. In that line of thinking, The Archymedius Contingency is being tentatively going to be renamed The Contingency Arc. I know, you see the Arc in there, but it's not the same. This Arc is like the electrical kind, an electrical discharge between two electrodes (break out your engineering textbooks if you don't know what I'm talking about), which I mean to be as an electrical arc connecting all of this information, all of these people, and ideas together. The Contingency is there because as I said in the beginning this is preparation. We all need to be a bit knowledgeable about the world around us. News, entertainment, weather, media, all that good stuff is somewhat important if you want to survive in this technological era. Thus: The Contingency Arc - Connecting possibilities, information, and media through technology, and...damn fun shit. Okay, so I'm not really great at coming up with a tagline for it, but hopefully you get the idea, things are going to be changing and I need your help.

Secondly, a new website. That's right, I'm working on a website and blog apart from blogspot and google. Why? Individuality? Yes and no. I want more freedom to shape things and get the information out there for people to read. Plus, if everything goes according to plan, people who want to write or post on the blog that will be there can do that with ease without me needing to do anything. Awesome right? That means if you have something to say that you don't want to spout over Facebook and annoy your friends with, or is just too real for your Tumblr, bring it here, or rather there when the site goes live.

Thirdly, the help. I don't have a lot of money to sink into this project, but that isn't going to stop me from making it as best as I can. As I have mentioned before I am a full-time grad student, which leaves whatever you get after you subtract "full" from "all" as the remaining time I have to spend on this stuff. The point is, I find the time, but if there were others posting alongside me, readers like you would have more content to read, more information, more fun stuff to look at instead of doing work. Sounds great right? That's where people like you come in. Everyone has an opinion, feel free to share it here, or there, or wherever I end up moving this all to. Are you in? Won't cost nothing, and if for some reason I start getting some revenue out of it, I could return the favor.

Awesome tangent
Finally, keep your minds open and clear. Things will probably be changing around here in the next few weeks so don't get too flipped out if things aren't working the way they used to and what not. Stay calm. Keep clean. Enjoy life. I'll still be doing my best to post as I have been. This week has been a bit crazy because it's finals for me, and next week is vacation and I'll be going away for a brief period of it, though still trying to maintain some level of consistency. Keep your eyes peeled.

Oh and don't mind that picture to the left, that's Canti from FLCL. I've been re-watching (which I seem to be doing with a lot of stuff lately) since the complete series was released on Blu-ray February 22. It's pretty much incredibly insane and crazy, but a fun ride regardless. I mean, if you consider that it's from the studio that created Evangelion, it's no surprise that it would be a little crazy and hard to follow at times. Enough of the opposite over adjacent, back to life.

Dream on.


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