February 4, 2011

The Replay (2)

This week's Replay is courtesy of the guys over at [Rooster Teeth]. If you haven't heard of them or the Red vs. Blue series you should check them out because they have definitely brightened some of my rainy days. So what's the background for this video, well it's footage of a guy playing a video game. Now, we all get to those points in some games where the difficulty just gets to be too much. You yell, scream, steam, throw stuff, it's not a pretty sight. And it usually ends up in you quitting and walking away, this would be known as a rage quit. It's never fun for the participant, but it can definitely be fun for those watching. Check out LtMkilla play through some of Super Meat Boy and hopefully his anger will help you lose some of yours. Be advised, there is some intense language, but probably nothing you sailors can't handle. Enjoy.

Dream on.



  1. Awesome. This guy puts Irate Gamer to shame.

  2. FYI, this was me and Ninja Gaiden. Hence I found the Team Ninja reference hilarious.
