March 11, 2011

The Rhythm (11)

Another week brings us news from around the intertubes. First, this morning there was a massive earthquake in Japan with huge tsunami waves hitting the west coast of the US. After the serious stuff is out of the way, Facebook trying to beat out Netflix? News on the Zelda 25 Anniversary straight from Reggie Fils-Aime (president of NOA) and Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright talk about the next film in their trilogy. Of course, you come for the news and stay for the rumors: GTA V and MIB 3. Read on.

The Rhythm: We hate Navi just as much as you.

The Mill: 5/3 Edition

5: It probably comes as no surprise to anyone, but after Rockstar's most recent success with Red Dead Redemption, it seems like they will be headed back to the GTA series for GTAV relatively soon. Codenamed Rush, the word behind the sequel seems to place it back in the fictional city of San Andreas. This is all speculation since the only thing we currently know is what sort of characters Rockstar is looking for, from yoga instructors to potheads, the word seems to be that San Andreas will be brought back to life after their success with Liberty City.

3: In movie news, it seems like the fabled Men In Black 3 has been having some difficulties as of late. The third installment in the series has Will Smith's Agent J traveling back in time to 1969 for some reason that I am currently not aware of. The movie went in front of cameras earlier this year in New York City to film the parts that take place in the present with Tommy Lee Jones, but it seems like the script isn't finished despite the film being almost a half-way through production. It's not unheard of that films start production prior to scripts being completed, but half-way through? That's a bit of a stretch. Now word as of yet for when this film is set to be released or fixes to the script problems, but I have my fingers crossed that it will be better than MIB 2.

[Daily Fix] & [io9]

Japan hit by quake (not the game)

This morning, before 1 am eastern, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. It was the strongest ever recorded for the country and one of the strongest in the recorded history of the planet. Thousands are still missing amongst the aftermath, and the death toll seems to be up in the hundreds. Google has put up a website that is allowing people to help find each other in the country, something that they had employed in a previous natural disaster in Australia. President Obama and the [Red Cross] are lending their support and you can do your part as well by donating over at their website.

The quake was not only devastating, but also caused some damage to cooling measures at a nuclear power plant, calling for nuclear warnings for part of the country. It seemed to be more of a precaution, but it is still a scary thought. Videos have made their way to YouTube and photos on Twitter. Video game developers have been posting images on their Twitter accounts of what they can see from their offices, and others have opened their offices up to help others by offering food, TV, and a place to stay safe. Furthermore, the tsunami caused by the quake hit the western US mid morning, starting in Hawaii with wave heights recorded at 4 to 5 feet. Wave heights were predicted to increase when hitting the shores of California, Oregon, and Alaska.

Hey Mother Nature, maybe we could use a break from the disasters? I'm just saying...



So, onto a lighter topic, it seems that Facebook now allows you to rent movies? Apparently. Well at least one movie, The Dark Knight. Have you been wondering what those mysterious Facebook credits are for? Now you know. Warner Bros. is the first studio to release a movie for digital rent on Facebook, and who knows what floodgates may be opened by this. WB has been pushing TDK onto the iPhone and Android and pretty much anywhere as of late, Facebook just seemed like the next natural step. They are also planning on sending move to Facebook for rent so be on the look out for that, if that's your thing. Personally, I'm staying away from this one. Netflix already has my vote for [streaming] content, why would I allow Facebook another chance to rule my life?

[The Hollywood Reporter]

Link's 25th birthday hasn't been forgotten

Remember back in February when Link and Zelda celebrated their 25th [anniversary] and Nintendo was nowhere to be found? Well, apparently they do have something planned as a belated gift for Zelda fans. Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America (NOA) says that something different than Mario's 25th anniversary is being planned. If you don't know what Nintendo did for the plumber's 25th, they released Super Mario All-Stars for the Wii with a soundtrack and special book with it. It sold out pretty quickly to the point where Nintendo will be re-releasing the collection this Spring. Anyway, the point is Zelda fans, something is indeed coming. What exactly? We don't know, but I'm at least happy to hear that the boy in green hasn't been forgotten. Also, for those looking forward to Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS, you'll be treated to Master Quest on the same cartridge in 3D. Awesome.

Now, what about Samus?


Blood, ice cream, and the end of the world

I know it sounds disgusting, but that's what Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright call their trilogy, Blood and Ice Cream, which includes Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. The whole idea behind the trilogy is to take well established genres and parody them all in one film, but not in that horrible Scary Movie or Superhero Movie, or any of those sorts of ways, but a genuine parody. I've enjoyed both of the previous films in the trilogy immensely and I'm anticipating the next one titled The World's End. I'm sure you can guess what it's about. I'll be interested in seeing Pegg and Wright's take on apocalypse films since they have done a great job with zombies and buddy cop stuff thus far. Both Pegg and Wright are hoping that they can get this final film underway sometime next year and possibly release it then too (preferably before December 2012). Also, they are looking to get Nick Frost, Pegg's sidekick in the previous films, to more involved with the conception of the film. Seeing what Edgar Wright did with Scott Pilgrim and Shaun and Fuzz, this should be epic.


Dream on.


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