March 16, 2011

The Plumber

Ha! Gotcha! The title is incredibly misleading as Mario wasn't a plumber first, he was actually a carpenter (just like Jesus). So props to those who actually knew the correct answer or Googled it. Anyway, now that I've got your attention...

What's up Internet? I apologize for the less-than-stellar performance on my part as of late, but I've got a back log of posts I'm working on as well as a new quarter at school, so bear with me if you can. For now, here's a few updates as to what's been going on around here.

New digs

The new website is still in the works, and hopefully it will be up and fully functional before the end of the month, though my web design skills are incredibly lacking so I have no idea what I'm doing, which probably means the website will go through a few iterations in the first month or so. Suggestions for what you would like to see? There is already talk of a 1amlife/style section, this would entail Ballin' on a Budget as Sir Skizzle Fresh has called it and tips and tricks on how to be the best person you can be and still maintain your geek/nerd membership card. Potentially there will be another section called 1amscience, which would weed out the fake web science you see out there and bring you the real stuff. More on the way.

Game on

Pokémon Grayscale, shouldn't this be on the GameBoy?
Some of you may have noticed a new box on the left titled G.R.O.W., which stands for Game Recommendations Of-the Week (I just realized that there was no letter representing "the" in the acronym, thus the hyphen. Deal with it). I plan to put up five games that I recommend playing, they don't necessarily have to be released that week, or even this decade, and if you have suggestions feel free to send them along. Also, next to some of the titles it says "In Prague" which is my weird way of abbreviating "In Progress". I know it only cuts two letters off, but it's different and I'm sticking to it.

This week's G.R.O.W. features Pokémon Black/White (which I have yet to get my hands on), Dragon Age II, Okamiden, the sequel to the console game Okami, Bulletstorm, and Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. NFS is up there because I just picked it up for the PS3 and I'm looking for challengers. I warn you, I'm pretty bad at this more realistic driving than say Burnout, but I'll do my best to give anyone a run for their money (gamertag: Archymedius, what a surprise). Also, Bulletstorm is a lot of fun. A bit of a throwback to what makes FPS games enjoyable, and with the added skillshot mechanic, things get even more crazy. It's relatively short, and I haven't finished it yet, but I definitely recommend it. If it helps, the main character Grayson, is voiced by the same guy who voiced Roger Smith in Big O and Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop, that was a major incentive for me.

The "Like" button

Preliminary logo concept
Lastly, if you're a member of Facebook and you enjoy getting some news (or laughs or what have you) from this blog, be sure to head on over to the Facebook page for 1amgeek and click "Like". That way you can get updates to your newsfeed (or not), and some extra content found around the web gets posted there as well, such as the International Day of the [Badass] event that happened last week. Future events will be posted there, as well as hints for the upcoming contests, videos, and potentially podcasts. For now, the Facebook page is serving as an alpha site for the future website. Be sure to check it out and tell your friends.

Well, that's all for now. Click "Like" buttons, game on, and live it up. Be on the lookout for a few new posts to be popping up here in the next few days, and as always...

Dream on.
