January 14, 2011

The Contest (3)

Bruce Willis and music. Together at last.

It's time for another contest folks. This one will be different and easy. Inspired by the musical [vice] I posted about earlier this week, all you have to do is comment on this post with what you consider the most embarrassing song in your music library. That's it. Give the artist and title and you're done. Your entries will be tabulated and fed into an anthropomorphic algorithm and determined which is the most embarrassing. In other words, I'll be choosing which one appears to be most embarrassing. Because of that you can throw in a story, or a link to a YouTube video of you dancing to it, whatever you think could help me make my decision easier, do it. The winner will get a copy of Bruce Willis' latest release Red, featuring Morgan Freeman and John Malkovich, on release day January 25 (I hope).

The contest is open now until Wednesday January 19 at noon. That gives you just about five days to rack your brain and search your library. Good luck.

So...what's your most embarrassing song?

Dream on.



  1. Other than the 263 Pokémon tracks I have, the most embarrassing song has to be The Thong Song, by Sisqó. Remember that shit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oai1V7kaFBk

  2. "For You I Will (Confidence)" by Teddy Geiger. And only because Kirsten Cavilari was in the music video... Yeah, you know her, from Laguna Beach...

    Also, just a really chodey song giving women way too much power (i.e. all of it), but that's neither here nor there.

  3. "By Your Side" by Sade (among all the other songs from the 5 albums of her's I have in my library). Mainly because it is one song I would fully expect anyone who heard it come on in a random playthrough of my library to look at me crossways and openly question my sexuality.

    Anyway, it was a tossup between this and "Party in the USA", but we all know Miley's a straight boss, so no reason for embarrassment there, right?
